Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nursery Update

Never mind that we're five weeks 'til our due date but the nursery has made significant progress! A couple of weeks ago, Max finished the last bit of work on the nursery foundation. Finishing the last sliver of flooring that needed to go down, painting and laying the quarter-round, and a few touch-ups here and there. He was one proud papa! As he should have been, he did a wonderful job and the nursery looked great. *A special thank you to a couple of brother-in-laws whose intervention helped make this possible!*

Now that the foundation of the room was set, it was time to start filling it up. I had been struggling with furniture decisions for no avail until I found what I thought I wanted, at Hobby Lobby. I was able to drag Max into the store a few weekends ago to make our purchase and wouldnt you know it...the dresser was gone! I didnt fret, only because I knew that must not have been meant to be, but frustration was more than settling in. We went to Pier One, Target, etc. and found things but nothing worth their price or anything to get excited about. "Why dont we try the antique stores?" Max asked. Hmmm, funny, I think I mentioned that once, but okay. Except it was late on Saturday and the stores were closed and would be closed the next day as well. Although...there is one store that IS open on Sundays...

So the next day we scooted over and had a blast weaving in and out of the jam-packed isles of this antique store. After closely eyeing about every dresser in the place, we both agreed on a little antique number with a large attached mirror. I was pleased with it, the price was $250...well below what we would have had to pay at any other retail store, and we both liked it. I decided to take one last lap around the store to make sure it was "the one". In doing so, I spotted another dresser in the very back of the store that I also liked. Looked good, nice clean lines, mirror, but no price. I called Max back, he liked it too, so we scouted out the sales lady. Oh that one? That just came in last night...I'll take $125 for it. I nonchalantly said okay and that we'd talk it over. After she walked away, Max looked at me and said, "Why didnt you say SOLD?!" Chshesh! We cant let them know we're overly zealous! But it was sold, sold to us and our empty nursery. Two trips later we got it home, another week later we finally got it up into the room. I prepped it with a good cleaning then headed to the hardware store to pick out some paint. Max trusted me to do this alone so he lost all rights to complain about what I picked out. A little uncertain about my color choice, he went to work at disassembling, priming, and painting. Painting was finished last evening and today it was reassembled. I have plans to add some white wash to all the nooks and crannies and to distress the drawer pulls a little bit, just to give it a warmer appearance, but for the most part, its done (and Max now likes the color!). Id still like to find an additional piece, preferably a tall corner cabinet, but we do have two small nightstands in the garage that we could use just in case. Now we just need the crib...! Dont worry, one was ordered today and should be here soon!

Friday, September 4, 2009

35 Weeks!

Max and I had our doctor visit yesterday. The doctor had told me previously that we would begin our discussion on labor at this appointment, so we were looking forward to the visit.

Everything checked out fine with me and the baby. I was actually measuring a centimeter smaller than expected but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about and was probably due to the fact that the baby was carrying so low. Baby is head down and very low she said, and from here on out we should be in the clear of any complications if I were to go into labor early. It is always a relief when we pass little milestones like that!

I asked about the baby’s weight and how they’re able to predict what it’ll be before delivery day. I knew that there would be no exact answer, as is the case with gender, you’re only 100% certain when the baby is finally here. My doctor feels pretty confident in her weight predictions and said that she would check at the next visit but she figured we’d probably have about a 7 lb. baby. I then told her that I was over 8 lbs. and Max was almost 10. Her eyes widened! So we’ll see in another two weeks what she thinks!

We started baby classes this week. I dragged Max along to the Breastfeeding Basics class and all was well until he got a case of the giggles, had to leave the room, and ended up getting locked out for about 20 minutes. I cant take him anywhere. At the Newborn Basics class we were given a tour of the new hospital which is very nice. For anyone that comes to visit us, you’ll have to call and be let into the maternity ward as the entire section is locked to visitors. But I’ll try to give you more information on that when we get closer to October.

Five more weeks until D-Day!