Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Santa...

I've been a very good boy!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Back to Work

After a six week maternity leave, Im due back to work in just two short hours. How does a new mom leave such a sweet little face?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bad Dog

Being home with Riley over the past six weeks has been wonderful…all 42 days of sleepless nights. The pets have enjoyed me being home too, especially the Dee Oh Gee…dog. Yesterday I needed to run a quick errand so Riley and I packed up and headed out the door. Usually, whenever we leave the house the dog goes outside as you never know what kind of mess you’ll come home to. But the dog was sleeping quietly upstairs and I was only going to be gone for a minute. But like one of Pavlov’s dogs, the sound of my keys had her awake and looking over the catwalk to see where we were going. Shoot! Oh well, I’ll only be gone a minute, Im sure she’ll be fine. Famous last words.

After being gone for about 30 minutes, Riley and I were back home again. Typically, the dog goes spastic to greet us and inevitably wakes up anyone who is sleeping…like the baby. But she didn’t…which only means one thing…she’s been a bad girl. I look to my left and sure enough, she got in the trash. But nothing major, she just pulled out a paper towel, a cat food can, and some wrapping paper. I can live with that. Odd, I thought to myself, that she still hasn’t come down to sheepishly greet us (knowing that she’s been bad). So I headed upstairs…and saw this: That’s right. Shredded poopie diapers. All over the carpet. I had recently emptied the Diaper Genie and left the bag in the hallway to be taken outside once I had a free moment. I had completely forgotten about it when I left…but apparently Mandy hadn’t. Its my own fault as I know she gets upset when I leave and likes to destroy things (like eating my underwear). So don’t feel sorry for me, especially since this is the second time its happened!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Quick Hello

Just a quick hello and recent picture of Riley, who is now six weeks old.

Monday, November 23, 2009

How it all began: Part Two

The hours following Riley’s birth were nothing short of a whirlwind. Like a dream, I only remember snippets of our final moments in the delivery room. I was virtually oblivious to the “repair work” I was undergoing. I was focused across the room, watching Max and our new son. When they finally brought him back to me and laid him on my chest, I think my first words were, “Oh my God, look at his feet!” Riley’s feet and hands would be the topic of many conversations to come…the little monkey. Once we were moved to the recovery room, anxiously awaiting family members were allowed to come in and see the newest member of the family.

That evening, after all of the visitors left, it was just Max and I alone with Riley. We finally had our own little family! Max slept on the couch, I in my bed, and Riley was beside me in his bed. He was so little, so quiet, and didn’t make a move. I awoke several times that night, just to check on him and ensure that he was breathing!

The next day everything was seemingly well with both Riley and me. Late that morning though the nurse came in to do her checks and discovered that Riley’s temperature was a little high. Thinking it was the cozy new blanket that I had him wrapped in; I was instructed to take him out of it. Shortly after lunch, Riley was taken back for a routine circumcision. The next several hours would prove to be the longest of our lives. Riley seemed to have excessive bleeding from the surgery that they were not able to get stopped. We were assured that they were holding pressure on the area and he would be returned to us as soon as it was stopped. Hour after hour went by, no Riley.

A nurse finally came in and said that they had the bleeding under control but there was a new issue. His temperature was over 100. They were waiting to hear from the pediatrician on call and told me that since he was the only baby in the nursery, I could come back and nurse him. They never came to get me so I went to them. Im not sure if it was a lack of communication or something else but I didn’t get to feed him. Next thing we knew, they were taking him over to NICU. It had been about five or six hours since we had seen or held Riley and the situation was getting the best of us. We were finally able to go see him but were told that he would remain in NICU for 48 hours while they ran tests. My heart sincerely goes out to anyone who has complications with their newborn. Seeing your new baby hooked up to all kinds of monitors, without knowing what’s going on, is gut wrenching. Nothing could have prepared me for this emotional roller coaster. As if delivering you first child isn’t overwhelming enough, sitting helpless in that room was more than I could stand. I couldn’t look at him without my eyes welling up. Without feeling like it was all my fault.
Fortunately, there are a few nurses that are truly God’s special angels on earth. One particular nurse brought Riley this Purdue hat. A member of her church hand makes them for NICU babies. The hat warmed his head but the gesture truly warmed our hearts! Two very long days later we learned that everything was fine. The doctor, who was wonderful, said that the high temperature must have been a fluke. A fluke. We agonized over a fluke. But, Id rather take extra precautions for a fluke than be sent home with an issue.

Our final day there, we had to wait for the last test results to come back before being released. All of Riley’s monitor leads were removed and we were finally able to relax a bit. With much anticipated freedom, he and daddy watched their first Purdue football game together before going home. Though our stay was less than ideal, the important thing was that Riley was okay. And is still doing great! Babies typically lose weight after birth with the expectation that they’ll gain it back within two weeks. A week later he had his first checkup and weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz., a sure sign that he was doing wonderfully!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How it all began...

Wednesday, October 21st, at 7:00 am, Max and I headed to the hospital for the induction of our baby. 12 days past due, we were more than ready to get the show on the road. After checking in at the front desk, we were escorted up to the maternity ward and taken to the delivery room. We were not the only induction that day, we knew of two others, so the floor was sure to be busy all day long. All dressed and ready to go, Max and I waited for things to begin.
Before my doctor came in to see me, I was already 1 centimeter. Such exciting news considering the number of regular doctor appointments I had that showed no signs of progress up to that point. My body was finally starting to prepare on its own, which I hoped would pair nicely with the induction process. After the doctor came in to see me, the pitocin was ordered, the miracle medicine that would bring this baby out. Unfortunately though, we waited until 10:00 am before the nurse would bring it in and hook me up.

The first two hours progressed nicely. Contractions were starting, nothing painful, and I still had a smile on my face. This labor business isn’t so hard! Max and I continued to watch trashy television until the doctor would make her next round over the lunch hour. When she came in, I had dilated to 3 centimeters so she proceeded to break my water. A little unsure of how that would go, I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t uncomfortable as I thought it would be. After all, each measure brought me another step closer to the baby’s arrival.

Before proceeding, let me rewind a bit. At one of our baby classes, where we were learning about epidurals, the anesthesiologist came in to talk to us. Very nice guy and quite funny too. “Two-Stick Dan” is what he claimed his nickname was…not exactly comforting for someone who would potentially be sticking a long needle into your back! His humor helped to relax the room during a somewhat scary conversation. When asked what the likeliness of paralysis was with epidurals, he calmly replied, Oh, not bad, about 1 in 3. Some of the younger parents-to-be failed to see the humor right away. He then skeptically asked if anyone in the room planned to deliver naturally, so I sheepishly raised my hand. Based on due dates, our baby was the first to be due in the class, and subsequently, I was probably the smallest expectant mother in the room as well. So I caught some heck for my desire to deliver naturally. Two Stick Dan wished me good luck but said he’d see me at the hospital…doubting my ability to tough it out.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, er ah, hospital…the pitocin levels continued to increase over the next couple of hours, as did my contractions. The mild contractions I had felt earlier that morning gave way to more intense labor pains. The television was turned off, the window shades closed, and the iPod was playing…all helping to sooth my headache and pain. Because there was no clock in the room, I had difficulty keeping track of time. The nurse checked me again and I was dilated to 4 centimeters. Ugh, only 1 centimeter worth of progress since the doctor had been in. I was starting to think that perhaps it would be a very long afternoon, with no baby expected until later that evening. But the contractions kept coming and kept intensifying; signaling the fact that baby indeed was on its way. At one point, Two Stick Dan popped his head into the room to see how I was doing. Still skeptical, he said he’d see me later! Two Stick Dan obviously doesn’t know me very well.

I tried to stay positive through each contraction. Thankfully, Max was at my side, holding my grip and reminding me to breathe through each one. I was no longer able to get a break between each contraction; they were getting too close together. Sensing the need to go to the bathroom, I made a break for it one last time before the next contraction came. Getting stuck in the bathroom with my pants down (or shall I say, gown up) while hooked up to monitors is not the place I wanted to be when the next big contraction hit!

Once I got back to my bed I had an overwhelming sense of the shakes, like I was cold. Suddenly, I remembered “the shakes” being talked about in baby class as a sign of something…but what?! Neither Max nor I could recall at what stage the shakes came in or what they meant. At the next opportunity I told the nurse who in turn got me a blanket. We asked her what the shakes meant and she sort of dismissed it, thinking I indeed was cold because I had just gotten up and moved around. Remember, the last she checked I was at 4 centimeters.

Contractions were getting very intense. At one point I was sitting on the edge of the bed, Max in front of me helping me through each one, and I thought to myself, Im probably only 6 or 7 centimeters at this point. I don’t think I can do this, Im going to need the epidural. Then, a doozie of a contraction hit. But this one was different, this one left me feeling as if I needed to push. Max and I were alone in the room when I told him what I felt. We just looked at each other like, what the heck do we do now?! When the nurse came back in, I told her what I felt and she looked at me, in slight disbelief. Another contraction hit and yes, I definitely felt the urge to push! So the nurse said, let me just check you real quick… After doing so, she calmly stepped back, removed her gloves and said, you feel like you need to push because…you need to push! You’re about 9 and a half almost 10 centimeters! What?! What happened to 5, 6, 7, and 8?! She quickly left to go call the doctor, leaving me with instruction to NOT push until the doctor arrived. So for the next several minutes I crossed my legs and did whatever I could to not push. Thankfully, the doctor’s office is only a few minutes away from the hospital so she arrived rather quickly. Once we had word that she was in the building, the pushing began and ensued for about 30 minutes before little Riley Roger made his way into our world.

Daddy was convinced that Baby was going to be a girl, so imagine his elation when “she” turned out to be a “he”. Overcome with emotion is the best way I can describe his reaction, a true joy to see in the man that helped me through this wondrous journey. After he cut the cord, Daddy followed Riley over to the warmer where the nurse examined and bathed him. From the other side of the room, I watched as the two of them began their bonding while I completed the third stage of labor. To be continued...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a journey the past nine months have been, such an exciting time filled with so many changes and so much to look forward to. Tomorrow will be a new day. A new day with a new beginning that will change our lives forever.

I truly have been blessed with a very pleasant pregnancy and I feel fortunate that I can look back on this experience with fondness…and look forward to doing it again. We certainly appreciate all of the kind words and gestures from our family and friends and are blessed to have you here with us during one of the most important moments of our lives. We look forward to introducing you to the newest member of our family sometime on Wednesday!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday's Child

Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child works hard for its living,

But a child that's born on the Sabbath day

Is bonny and blythe, and good and gay.

Max and I were both born on a Tuesday. Several people predicted that Baby Miller would arrive last Tuesday...all to no avail. Perhaps this coming Tuesday?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Autumn Splendor

Autumn. It is Max and my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, the weather has been less than ideal so far this October, leaving us with very few days to get out and enjoy the spectacular show Mother Nature provides us with each season. Day after day we have been faced with colder temperatures, wind, and rain. Lots of rain lately. Today however, we saw a bit of sunshine so we decided to take a walk on the trails at a nearby park, right after work. What a great opportunity to take some photos and capture this truly magnificent time of year. Come walk with us!

Monday, October 12, 2009

40+ Week Update

I went to the doctor today but have nothing new to report, Baby isnt ready yet. Last week we talked about inducing later this week but now I think Ive changed my mind. Since Id prefer to do this all on my own (thank you very much), I thought, why push it? Im not miserable, the baby is doing just fine, there's really no reason to force this baby out of it's nice, warm, comfortable environment. We're just anxious to meet our new baby, that's all. Once I hit the one+ week overdue mark, then we'll revisit the induction topic. Since Im now overdue, each appointment I go to I have to have fetal monitoring done. This tracks the baby's heart rate to ensure that things are still progressing as they should. At past appointments, when the heart rate was measured, it was usually in the 140s. Last week it was 130s. Today, it was 150s...until I went in for monitoring.

I sat down in the Lazy Boy, all hooked up, and began to watch the heart rate flicker across the monitor. Another young girl was in the room getting monitored as well, although she still had a month to go. I asked if she knew what she was having and she said 'boy'. I noticed that her rate was below 120 and mine started out in the high 130s. Hmmm...interesting. Our baby decided that it was comfy-cozy and took a nap, so the rate was pretty low most of the time. Apparently that's not what they want when trying to monitor heart rates so the nurse practitioner came in with a "vibrator" to wake it up. The rate ranged anywhere from the low 120s to 150s when there was movement. All in all, the rate was similar to the other mom-to-bes, I just had significantly less movement since Baby was sleeping most of the time. Its taking after Daddy already...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Days and Counting...

We’re two days from our due date and we’re getting lots of inquires about my status so I thought I would write a quick update. Drum roll please…

Nothing has changed. Nothing, nada, squat, zilch. Im still 70-80% effaced but not dilated. Nothing’s happening. What good is a full moon if it cant put me into labor?

I go back to the doctor on Monday to see if there’s been any progress. If I am dilated then they’ll schedule an induction for the following Thursday. If Im not dilated, then I’ll go back to the doctor on Thursday. If I make it until Thursday and Im showing signs of progress, then they’ll schedule an induction for Saturday. Just as I would “prefer” not to have an epidural, I would “prefer” to not be induced. But this baby has got to come out!

On a side note, I had a dream last night that we had a baby boy. A real boy, not a cat or any other life form for that matter, a human boy. And the baby’s heart rate was in the 130s today, unlike the 140+ of times past…also indicating a boy (if you believe wives tales). Time will tell!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A couple of weekends ago, Max successfully assembled all of the baby gadgets that we have received thus far. The stroller, the car seat, the pack and play. I hesitated with the pack and play as I really didn’t want to have it taking up space but figured it would come in handy so we’re at least trying it out for now. It didn’t take long before someone else was trying it out… The crib was up for a few weeks before we added the mattress and sheeting. Surprisingly, the cat, who is about as nosey as they come, could seem to care less about the big white box that sat adjacent her favorite window in the whole house. When she sits in that window, which overlooks the street and the on goings of the neighborhood, she’s at eye level with the crib and the cushy mattress that lies inside. Could the baby bed and its ecru sheets be so lucky as to go unscathed by the fury feline? Hardly. It seems that by telling her that she could no longer take up residence in the pack in play, she decided to curl up and take a siesta someplace else. My only question is will she continue to sleep here WITH the baby? She’s a very good mamma, Im sure she’ll take good care of Baby.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nursery Update

Never mind that we're five weeks 'til our due date but the nursery has made significant progress! A couple of weeks ago, Max finished the last bit of work on the nursery foundation. Finishing the last sliver of flooring that needed to go down, painting and laying the quarter-round, and a few touch-ups here and there. He was one proud papa! As he should have been, he did a wonderful job and the nursery looked great. *A special thank you to a couple of brother-in-laws whose intervention helped make this possible!*

Now that the foundation of the room was set, it was time to start filling it up. I had been struggling with furniture decisions for no avail until I found what I thought I wanted, at Hobby Lobby. I was able to drag Max into the store a few weekends ago to make our purchase and wouldnt you know it...the dresser was gone! I didnt fret, only because I knew that must not have been meant to be, but frustration was more than settling in. We went to Pier One, Target, etc. and found things but nothing worth their price or anything to get excited about. "Why dont we try the antique stores?" Max asked. Hmmm, funny, I think I mentioned that once, but okay. Except it was late on Saturday and the stores were closed and would be closed the next day as well. Although...there is one store that IS open on Sundays...

So the next day we scooted over and had a blast weaving in and out of the jam-packed isles of this antique store. After closely eyeing about every dresser in the place, we both agreed on a little antique number with a large attached mirror. I was pleased with it, the price was $250...well below what we would have had to pay at any other retail store, and we both liked it. I decided to take one last lap around the store to make sure it was "the one". In doing so, I spotted another dresser in the very back of the store that I also liked. Looked good, nice clean lines, mirror, but no price. I called Max back, he liked it too, so we scouted out the sales lady. Oh that one? That just came in last night...I'll take $125 for it. I nonchalantly said okay and that we'd talk it over. After she walked away, Max looked at me and said, "Why didnt you say SOLD?!" Chshesh! We cant let them know we're overly zealous! But it was sold, sold to us and our empty nursery. Two trips later we got it home, another week later we finally got it up into the room. I prepped it with a good cleaning then headed to the hardware store to pick out some paint. Max trusted me to do this alone so he lost all rights to complain about what I picked out. A little uncertain about my color choice, he went to work at disassembling, priming, and painting. Painting was finished last evening and today it was reassembled. I have plans to add some white wash to all the nooks and crannies and to distress the drawer pulls a little bit, just to give it a warmer appearance, but for the most part, its done (and Max now likes the color!). Id still like to find an additional piece, preferably a tall corner cabinet, but we do have two small nightstands in the garage that we could use just in case. Now we just need the crib...! Dont worry, one was ordered today and should be here soon!

Friday, September 4, 2009

35 Weeks!

Max and I had our doctor visit yesterday. The doctor had told me previously that we would begin our discussion on labor at this appointment, so we were looking forward to the visit.

Everything checked out fine with me and the baby. I was actually measuring a centimeter smaller than expected but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about and was probably due to the fact that the baby was carrying so low. Baby is head down and very low she said, and from here on out we should be in the clear of any complications if I were to go into labor early. It is always a relief when we pass little milestones like that!

I asked about the baby’s weight and how they’re able to predict what it’ll be before delivery day. I knew that there would be no exact answer, as is the case with gender, you’re only 100% certain when the baby is finally here. My doctor feels pretty confident in her weight predictions and said that she would check at the next visit but she figured we’d probably have about a 7 lb. baby. I then told her that I was over 8 lbs. and Max was almost 10. Her eyes widened! So we’ll see in another two weeks what she thinks!

We started baby classes this week. I dragged Max along to the Breastfeeding Basics class and all was well until he got a case of the giggles, had to leave the room, and ended up getting locked out for about 20 minutes. I cant take him anywhere. At the Newborn Basics class we were given a tour of the new hospital which is very nice. For anyone that comes to visit us, you’ll have to call and be let into the maternity ward as the entire section is locked to visitors. But I’ll try to give you more information on that when we get closer to October.

Five more weeks until D-Day!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Old Wives Tales

As you all know, Max and I decided to not find out the sex of the baby at our 20 week ultrasound. Surprisingly, more people than not have applauded our decision to wait and be surprised. It would certainly be more convenient if we knew, but less exciting I think. It’s like knowing what you’re getting for Christmas before you even open your gifts. Besides, if we already knew what we were having, we wouldnt get to enjoy old wives tales such as these:

If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you'll have a boy. Right side? A girl.
I switch from side to side but I think I generally prefer my right side. GIRL

Extreme nausea means you are having a girl.
I was lucky and didnt have any sickness, just a bit tired. BOY

If your hands are dry, you are having a boy; soft -- expect a girl.
Dry...but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. BOY

If you're craving citrus, you're having a girl.
Definitely! I have an odd love for lemons and limes...even before being pregnant but fruit has been one of my biggest cravings. GIRL

If your skin breaks out, expect a girl.
This was our first clue that I was pregnant! My skin was terrible in the first trimester but thankfully, things cleared up and have been relatively fine since then. GIRL

If you feel graceful during pregnancy, you'll have a girl. Clumsy? It's a boy.
Definitely clumsy! Just ask me about the time I spilled maple syrup all over the living room floor, rug, couch, Max’s shoe, myself, AND the dog! And I didnt even know I was doing it! BOY

If you gain weight in your face, it means you're having a girl.
I think all of my weight has gone to my thighs! BOY

Craving salt? Expect a boy. A little something sweet? You're having a girl.
Second only to lemon and limes, is salt! My favorite thing about pretzels is the salt at the bottom of the bag! I love salt so cravings were pretty intense in the beginning of the pregnancy. BOY

If your right breast is larger than the left, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, a boy.
They’re both bigger than normal so Woo Hoo!! TOSS UP

Feeling extremely moody? Expect a girl.
My mood has had more swings than a pendulum. GIRL

If baby is low, expect a boy. High, it's a girl.
Im almost 5’11...what’s considered high or low?! TOSS UP

If you're carrying in front, it's a boy. All around your middle? A girl.
I dont think I look pregnant from the back side, which many would argue means a boy. But if peopled realized how small my waist was pre-pregnancy (not to brag or anything!) and how much it has filled out since, they might change their mind. TOSS UP

If a pregnant woman experiences heartburn throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, she’ll have a baby born with a full head of hair.
Definitely have had heart burn during the last trimester.

When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy.
Still long and narrow. BOY

The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!
29+09=38 GIRL

The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy.
I haven’t tried this yet for fear it might explode!

People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.
I craved salty fruit…what does that mean? TOSS UP

You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order.
Boy, boy, girl, boy, boy, boy, girl. BOY

If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl.
What do large thighs mean? BOY

You are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy.
What if you look the same? I was pretty ugly in the beginning, breakouts, bad hair, you name it. Thankfully, most everything has calmed down or returned to normal (which doesn’t necessarily mean “pretty”). TOSS UP

When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up.
Max tried this on me in the very beginning and I stuck up my hands like I was telling him to Stop! Im not sure what that means, Mother Nature must be confused. TOSS UP

If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy.
Daddy gained a few *cough* pounds but has successfully lost them in recent weeks. GIRL

It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.
We have definitely concentrated more on girl names! GIRL

In approximately 8 weeks we'll all know which of these proved to be "true"!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nursery Room Decisions

Who knew that designing a nursery room could be so difficult?! The process is definitely fun but at times can also be overwhelming because of all of the possibilities and/or barriers. We're working within a very limited space that has no closet so we have to be smart with our furniture, choosing pieces that give us the most storage capacity within a minimal size while also being budget conscience. My goal is to design a soothing and comfortable room for the baby without sacrificing our own personal style.

But what kind of furniture would work best? What color of furniture should we go with? What will we like for years to come and not regret before baby number two gets here? What will Max not kill me for buying and subjecting his unborn child to living in for the next year or two?

Initially I wanted a "chocolate mist" crib, a deep brown tone that was absolutely gorgeous. I do still love it but finding coordinating furniture that doesnt cost two months salary is proving to be hard to come by. I altered my thoughts to cubbies, in lieu of regular dressers, but those too are limited. I was about to throw up my hands and vow to live out of Rubbermaid containers.

Then, the heavens opened and angles started to sing as I recalled some furniture pieces I had admired at Hobby Lobby for quite some time. If my memory served me correctly, and in my current stage of pregnancy induced absent-mindedness I couldnt be too sure, the pieces were distressed white bases with solid tops. Not chocolate tops but perhaps I could modify my crib choice. Thoughts of this furniture had been swirling in my head for the past several days, enticing me to go take a look. So tonight, after dinner, that's what I did. And oh how I love it when a plan comes together! I think these pieces are "the ones"! Now I just have to figure out which finish and particular pieces will work best in the room.

Even though I still have to decide on which particular pieces to get, I am at least a little bit relieved to know that we have some viable options...and they're just down the street!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wake Up!

My cat has a terrible habit of purposely tipping over glasses of water that sit on the nightstand next to the bed. She does it for one of three reasons: she's thirsty and needs a drink, she wants you to get up and either feed her or let her outside, or, because she's in a mischievous mood. Sometimes, its all three. Just this morning, in fact, she tipped over a glass of water at 5:00 am...causing me to sit wide awake for 40+ minutes before I was forced to go downstairs for a cupcake and a glass of milk. What? The baby needs calcium...

Maybe you need to be a crazy cat lady like myself to appreciate this, but I found it hysterically true.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nursery In Progress

We've officially started the nursery! And by "we" I mean, I tell Max what to do and he does all the work! He doesnt let me lift anything heavy or be around any paint fumes. What's a girl to do?

The nursery is right beside our bedroom, Im still undecided as to if that's a good thing or not. When I want to check on the sleeping baby 24 times in a 15 minute time span, it'll be good. When its screaming its head off at 3:36 am, Im not so sure.

The room technically isnt a bedroom, since it has no closets, and it used to be our office/Mandy's room. Mandy and her couch got booted out a while back and we recently migrated all of the office equipment into the craft room. I cant seem to find a "before" picture of the room, that particular flash drive has been lost in transit, but it was dark and the carpet had seen better days. This pathetic picture of Mandy shows the moss green walls...which prior to that were a hideous cobalt blue color (we know this because previous painters weren't so meticulous). Since we dont know if this baby is a boy or girl, coming up with a nursery theme that wasnt hokey, took some time. An unsuccessful search for neutral bedding resulting in my decision to make the bedding myself... Stop laughing! Even then, the color pallet changed a few times, especially when I ran across this fabric at the quilt shop. So I decided to paint the room (and when I say "I", I mean Max)a robin egg blue. Blue enough to be boyish, but trendy enough to easily transform to girly. The fabric patterns incorporate lots of blues, greens, and pinks, though I'll use the pink patterns sparingly just in case. I dont want this quilt to be the reason for years of therapy in the event we have a boy.

After picking out the perfect shade of blue, which was actually called Kiwi Splash, Max got to work. Primer, first coat, second coat, and a few drips and smudges in between...not that Im keeping track, and Max was done in a matter of days. Then, sometime during all of his mental negotiations, Max had decided that it was necessary to rip up the carpet. *gulp* Que picture demonstration.
The carpet wasnt terrible, but who wants to subject a brand new little baby to dingy, spotty carpet? And dont get me started on the possibilities that lurk within the confines of those threads. Okay, good choice to rip up the carpet!

Max and my brother laid hardwood in our living and dinning rooms last year and I thought we had enough left over to at least get us started in the nursery. That would be a negative. We went to the store to get more of the same stuff, good news, it's on sale! Bad news, it was still going to cost us mucho dinero to get what was needed. So we went from dark cherry hardwood to a very cost effective, blonde laminate. We picked it out, picked it up, and installed it all in one day! Again, using the term "we" loosely. This is several rows into the project but I would like to add that on row TWO, I came in to offer my services. It took me approximately five minutes to screw something up and I was asked to leave. Politely of course. He didnt need my help anyway, he managed to get it all done without me.
And it helps to have furry foreman watching over things. Wshew! That was a lot of work!
At 10:00 pm, it looks pretty darn good! And first thing Sunday morning, it looks darn near heavenly! Once we finish with some quarter-round around the trim work, we can begin filling the nursery with all things baby! The crib that "we've" picked out is called "chocolate mist" or esspresso as I like to refer to it. So I pulled out these old frames Ive had for years, which I intend to use in the nursery, to get an idea how how it would look. The furry feline foreman approves!

So that's the latest in our baby world. All three of us are making progress!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baby Registries

Greetings! Just a quick post to let you know that we have gift registries available at the following locations:

Babies R Us®istryNumber=99414006

JC Penny|21675

Land of Nod


The baby's nursery will be robin egg blue, green, and pink with espresso colored furniture. We do not know what we're having so the pink will be minimal unless it comes out a girl.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Riding for a Cause

This past weekend, Max and I met up with my brother and his friends in Indy for the 2009 Miracle Ride, a motorcycle rally to benefit Riley Hospital for Children. Seeing that I am 21 weeks pregnant, I realize that hopping on the back of a motorcycle isn’t the wisest choice a mom-to-be can make. But a) it’s the one and only ride I’ll be taking all year long and b) it was for charity!

As if a pregnant chick on a bike isn’t funny enough, I had to wear my maternity capri pants because I don’t have any jeans that fit right now. A total no-no in Max’s biker rule book but I didn’t have a choice. Unfortunately, it was chilly that morning, like 60 degrees chilly, so Max made me wear his tall black sports socks with my capri pants. I was a sight to behold! They kept me warm for the ride down but I promptly took them off as soon as I could. Luckily, it was an absolutely beautiful day with warm sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. Perfect riding weather!

Thousands of bikers participated in this ride, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for Riley Children’s Hospital. Whether it is a group of hardcore bikers, or the quilters club of America, it is amazing to see that many people come together for one common cause. A good cause. A very worthy cause.

We were able to ride past Riley Hospital, the true highlight of the day. Several children and their families were waiting for us along the hospital sidewalks, thanking us for our support with waves, smiles, and posters. It was heartbreaking to know that they were sick, but was such a realization as to how much they needed our support. Thousands of bikers from all walks of life, from all areas of the surrounding states, pulled together to help these kids in need. What a moving experience!

Our ride continued on and we headed to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for a lap around the track. I have no idea what our top speed was, and I probably don’t want to know, but it felt fast. It was a cool feeling to be on the opposite side of that fence, to see the rubber hit the track as the professionals do. And to see so many bikers in front of and behind us, enjoying the same experience.

Here is a slide show of pictures I took during the event:
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So we had a great day with great weather, great company, all for a great cause! But there was one little thing that turned out not so great. That beautiful sun… We all applied our sun screen while waiting in the staging area before taking off, as we know how easily you can get burnt while riding. Except I forgot about the small portion of my legs that were exposed and I failed to apply protection to that area. (Never mind that I have paper white legs that haven’t seen a lick of sunshine yet this year.) By that evening I noticed that they were a little “pinkish”. The next morning I could hardly walk, and by the end of the day, my legs and ankles were swollen. For two days, my ankles were invisible, my toes looked like little sausages, and wearing heels to work quickly proved to be a very bad idea. Tylenol, cold wash cloths, and elevation have certainly helped and things are starting to look a little bit more normal now. Though Im sure to have a freaky tan for quite some time. Lesson learned? Check!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 20

What an exciting week of our pregnancy! Beginning around week 18 or so, I began to feel the baby’s movements. I first noticed the little flutters late at night when I was scrunched up at the computer. Apparently Baby needs its space! The next night, like clockwork, I felt it again. As the days progressed, the movement grew a little stronger and more frequent. I never knew when it was going to happen but I anxiously waited for it to tell me it was there. I would be in meetings at work and the flutters would come, making it hard to pay attention! I feel them more regularly now and they are most definitely stronger than before and more noticeable.

Friday was the onset of week 20 and we have already had several momentous occasions. I went shopping and bought my first maternity clothes! My goal was to make it to 20 weeks in my normal clothes and I did…barely. As I was in the fitting room another new mom-to-be was in the room next to me, excitably chatting away with her family about how big she was feeling, bla bla bla. The mother told her, “Get used to it, you have six more months to go!” I thought to myself, she’s only three months along and she’s buying maternity clothes? Wait a minute…Im five months and just now forcing myself into these things… Shortly after that a little toddler lifted the curtain to my fitting room and showed the store just exactly how big I really was at five glorious months!!

Monday night, as I lie in bed, exhausted from a busy holiday weekend, the baby starting moving. The movements were getting strong enough that I was pretty sure they could be felt from the outside of my belly too. I patiently waited and sure enough, it was strong enough to be felt by hand. I called Max in and he lay down, placed his hand on my belly, and waited. I couldn’t help but giggle and when I did, he jumped back, thinking that my belly laugh was the baby! We tried again, and Max was able to feel the baby kick for the first time. I think he was partly astonished, partly freaked out. He could only take a few kicks before resorting back to his cave.

Tuesday morning we had our scheduled ultrasound and check-up appointment. Our first ultrasound at around eight weeks or so, was pretty amazing as we were able to see the first sign of life and hear its thunderous heartbeat. I was excited for our 20 week ultrasound as I knew we should be able to see our first real glimpse of the baby. The instant she plopped that tool on my belly our baby’s image was right before us. Max later said that he couldn’t breathe when he first saw it…he just couldn’t believe it! We were both astonished with the detail that we were able to see, its brain, heart chambers, of course its little fingers and toes. The funniest thing of all was that the little booger’s legs were crossed and stretched clear up over its head! Within the first few moments of the ultrasound, the baby waved at us! It was plain as day, a little wave of the hand to say ‘hey, I’ll see you guys in a few months!’ It later rested its hand on its thigh, then moved it up to its forehead as if to say, ‘gosh, what a day!’ What a little ham!

We didn’t find out the sex of the baby, but it was oh so tempting. Very few things in life can be left as such a surprise, so we’re waiting. Or rather, I told Max we were waiting! But he swears that the technician referred to the baby with male pronouns and he saw…it’s “stuff”. I saw nothing of the sort. Later, with the doctor, she listened to the heart beat and exclaimed “I don’t know, it sounds like a girl…” I guess we’ll all just have to wait until October to see who was right.

Until then though, enjoy the pictures from our 20 week ultrasound.

Notice how Baby's legs reach up to its head!

Im not sure which way is up in this photo but Baby's legs are crossed.

Baby's legs are still up.

Baby's foot!

Baby's mouth is open. Nurse thought it was taking a drink.

So, we think that the baby's big head is from daddy and the chicken legs are from mommy! Poor kid!