Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 20

What an exciting week of our pregnancy! Beginning around week 18 or so, I began to feel the baby’s movements. I first noticed the little flutters late at night when I was scrunched up at the computer. Apparently Baby needs its space! The next night, like clockwork, I felt it again. As the days progressed, the movement grew a little stronger and more frequent. I never knew when it was going to happen but I anxiously waited for it to tell me it was there. I would be in meetings at work and the flutters would come, making it hard to pay attention! I feel them more regularly now and they are most definitely stronger than before and more noticeable.

Friday was the onset of week 20 and we have already had several momentous occasions. I went shopping and bought my first maternity clothes! My goal was to make it to 20 weeks in my normal clothes and I did…barely. As I was in the fitting room another new mom-to-be was in the room next to me, excitably chatting away with her family about how big she was feeling, bla bla bla. The mother told her, “Get used to it, you have six more months to go!” I thought to myself, she’s only three months along and she’s buying maternity clothes? Wait a minute…Im five months and just now forcing myself into these things… Shortly after that a little toddler lifted the curtain to my fitting room and showed the store just exactly how big I really was at five glorious months!!

Monday night, as I lie in bed, exhausted from a busy holiday weekend, the baby starting moving. The movements were getting strong enough that I was pretty sure they could be felt from the outside of my belly too. I patiently waited and sure enough, it was strong enough to be felt by hand. I called Max in and he lay down, placed his hand on my belly, and waited. I couldn’t help but giggle and when I did, he jumped back, thinking that my belly laugh was the baby! We tried again, and Max was able to feel the baby kick for the first time. I think he was partly astonished, partly freaked out. He could only take a few kicks before resorting back to his cave.

Tuesday morning we had our scheduled ultrasound and check-up appointment. Our first ultrasound at around eight weeks or so, was pretty amazing as we were able to see the first sign of life and hear its thunderous heartbeat. I was excited for our 20 week ultrasound as I knew we should be able to see our first real glimpse of the baby. The instant she plopped that tool on my belly our baby’s image was right before us. Max later said that he couldn’t breathe when he first saw it…he just couldn’t believe it! We were both astonished with the detail that we were able to see, its brain, heart chambers, of course its little fingers and toes. The funniest thing of all was that the little booger’s legs were crossed and stretched clear up over its head! Within the first few moments of the ultrasound, the baby waved at us! It was plain as day, a little wave of the hand to say ‘hey, I’ll see you guys in a few months!’ It later rested its hand on its thigh, then moved it up to its forehead as if to say, ‘gosh, what a day!’ What a little ham!

We didn’t find out the sex of the baby, but it was oh so tempting. Very few things in life can be left as such a surprise, so we’re waiting. Or rather, I told Max we were waiting! But he swears that the technician referred to the baby with male pronouns and he saw…it’s “stuff”. I saw nothing of the sort. Later, with the doctor, she listened to the heart beat and exclaimed “I don’t know, it sounds like a girl…” I guess we’ll all just have to wait until October to see who was right.

Until then though, enjoy the pictures from our 20 week ultrasound.

Notice how Baby's legs reach up to its head!

Im not sure which way is up in this photo but Baby's legs are crossed.

Baby's legs are still up.

Baby's foot!

Baby's mouth is open. Nurse thought it was taking a drink.

So, we think that the baby's big head is from daddy and the chicken legs are from mommy! Poor kid!


  1. I have reread this and looked at the pics a couple of is amazing. They never had such pics when I was expecting you! At least they were not used as frequently. None were done for any of you. But it is sooo special. So precious. And to think that little # 7 is going to have our #18 ! WoW!

  2. Ok, so in pic #2, are those legs above the head!?!? If so, those are every bit of chicken legs!! :) No 3-d pictures though, I'm surprised. He...or she looks perfect!

