Thursday, January 28, 2010

Growing on Three Months

We've passed the three month mark and have we ever made progress! Riley has been sleeping through the night for a while now, although he does have set backs every now and again. I really enjoy my sleep so Im glad we're past the point of getting up every two or three hours. But I must say, I sort of miss it too. Those feedings in the wee hours of the morning are always so peaceful. So snugly. So memorable. When he's 30, I hope I can still remember how he felt, all tiny in my arms. The feel of his long skinny fingers. His chubby cheeks. His downy hair. As I write this he lies asleep in his crib, where he's been for the last couple of hours, and I miss him already.

Our little baby is growing so fast. He's been a strong little guy from the day he was born so it shouldn't have been such a surprise when I walked in on him the other day doing this:

I suppose this is his first step in learning to roll over.

Each day we encourage his development. His movements. His sounds. And each day we're excited with his progress yet I find myself wanting to slow him down so that he doesnt get too big too fast. But I dont think that's possible. Life as we knew it truly is over. We're now one of "those" parents. The ones that say, "enjoy them while they're young, they grow up way too fast!" Boy, if that isn't the truth!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Picture Day

Dinner is over, the washing machine is going, and the baby is asleep. I thought now would be a good time to post a few pictures of Riley. I plugged in the camera, started the download, and realized that I have a LOT of pictures of him…none of which I’ve shared with you! So here are just a few favorites out of a plethora of photos we’ve taken in the last month or so.