Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Half way there!

We are at week 20 with pregnancy number 2, half way there!  Today was the much anticipated ultrasound appointment, our first real glimpse of Baby.  As controversial as it may be, and as we did with Riley, we did not find out the sex of the baby.  Surprises are fun and its a little extra motivation to get me through labor...when Im shouting explicits and saying, "I cant do this!"  And besides that, the look on Daddy's face will be priceless when the doctor announces what it is...making me so grateful that we didnt already know. 

The technician was very sure of the due date, May 29, as it has always been. So we'll wait another 20 or so more weeks before we get to meet little miss or mister. Unless of course this baby too decides to take after its mother and be late. But everything else with the appointment checked out with flying colors, for both me and the baby. And we have lots of wonderful pictures to remember by.

We saw both feet right away, both with five toes each.

 I love my baby but this picture is just a wee bit creepy.
I cannot stress enough how much this profile picture looks just like the one we have
of Riley at this stage.  From the nose down to the chin, its spot on!

This was one of those rare opportunities where we were able to capture on film,
the baby sucking its thumb. 
It really was quite awesome.  The video we have didnt turn out so well but it was as clear as day that it had its thumb in its mouth.  It put it in and took it out, you could see its lips move and everything.  Its astounding to know that its developing into a real baby, one that will be here in just a few short months.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Riley's First Haircut

Poor Riley had been in need of a haircut for quite some time.  But poor mommy couldn't quite bring herself to have it cut.  Although, it is hat season and the realization of never knowing what's going to turn out when you pull a hat off of Riley's head was more than I could stand.  So off to the salon we went.  The slide show below depicts the event but in a few short words, it all went pretty well.  And I've now discovered a new spot on Riley that I like to smother with kisses...the back of his little baby neck! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Big Brother

Thanksgiving 2010 was a very special day for us as we announced to our families that Riley will soon be a big brother!  With the help of a very homemade t-shirt, Riley helped to deliver the news to grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles.  And with the help of technology, we're now spreading the joy to everyone else. 

So many people have already wished us well and we are truly grateful and appreciative of your support!  We look forward to posting updates on the baby's progress between now and May 29th.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Rewind

Has it really been three months since my last post?!  Friends, I'm sorry!  What a fantastic summer the three of us had this year.  We continue to be amazed each and every day by the wonders of parenthood and this true blessing that is growing up right before our very eyes.  "They grow up so quickly" is such a cliche but truer words have never been spoken.  Recognizing that fact, we try to take in as much of this precious time as possible.  All too often though we fall into our day to day routine, hence my neglected blog. 

With Riley's first birthday just a little over a month away, I truly see how fast this time has gone.  A dear friend of mine, who has children in their pre-teens, recently dug out boxes of home videos.  Day after day they've poured over these irreplaceable, priceless gems that are memories in motion.  I cannot stop Father Time, nor can I slow him down, as much as I would like to.  But what I can do is capture as many of these moments on film as I possibly can...and share them with you!  Without further ado, ladies and gents...a summer rewind picture show!



Sunday, June 27, 2010

Photo Shoot

As this hot and humid afternoon was coming to a close, Riley and I stepped outside during the last few moments before bath and bedtime.  My only intent was to get a little fresh air, to let Riley see the leaves twirling in the wind.  As I set him down on the lawn to let the grass crawl between his toes, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity for an impromptu photo shoot.  I ran inside, grabbed my camera, then proceeded to snap shot after shot after shot.  Never mind that tonight's dinner was dribbled down his shirt or that his hair was sticky from carrots and sweat.  For five minutes it was just me and him and all the wonder of an eight month old.  If only a camera could capture the feelings of a mother's heart!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Florida Vacation Picture Show

So its been two months since our first family vacation and Ive only posted half of the pictures.  I actually have a few spare minutes to myself so I thought I would post a quick slide show of all of the pictures, minus the commentary.  I have more up-to-date pictures that I would like to share but felt the need to finish what I started before doing so.  So here they are, enjoy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Family Vacation Pics

Its been about three weeks since our first family vacation and I finally found an opportunity to post about it.  What can I say, life gets busy sometimes! 
Call us crazy but we decided to drive all the way from Lafayette IN to Lake Mary the tiny little Vibe.  We're young, new parents who felt that it would be worth it to save $100 in gas.  We'll chalk this one up to lesson learned and vow to fly next time!  But we left around 8:00 pm on Thursday and drove straight through.  Much like the development of the nursery, when I say "we" I really mean Max.  Little Riley was such a trooper, sleeping all night long in his car seat.  And when he did wake up, he was his usual chipper self like he is every morning.
Even though Max drove through the night, we still had several hours to go before we arrived to our destination.  I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep, the coffee-energy drinks-Mountain Dew concoctions, or what but Max kept himself entertained, while I was driving, at Riley's expense. 
Please note that RR is wearing a different outfit than in the previous picture.  Let me tell you, changing diapers and outfits at a gas station in the middle of Georgia is NOT ideal.  Neither is using their restrooms.  *shudder*

Just after lunch sometime we finally made it to our destination.  Wshew!  What a long trip! 
The weather was perfect and the hotel had a nice pool so we planned to take Riley swimming for the first time.  I ran out to the local K-mart (not a Walmart in sight!!) to get some Lil' Swimmers and returned to this:

And this:
But it wasn't long and we were all "rested" and ready for the pool.
Oh wait, I guess RR needed to relax just a little while longer.
These pictures just crack us up!  I wonder what Riley is thinking... 
"This is the life!"
"If only I had a bottle..."
"How YOU doin'?!"
"Where are all the hot babies?!"
Maybe it was just gas.

So into the water went Daddy and Riley, one slow step at a time.
Thankfully, the pool was so warm, like a giant blue bath!
It didn't take long and RR was loving it!
He looks less than thrilled here but trust me, he was having a really good time!
So that was the first day of our first family vacation.  Come back soon to see what we did on day number two.  Here's a hint!